How to slow down the AGING 2/10
The intravenous infusion of vitamins may change the aging process.
The method scientists investigate aging and longevity has totally changed as a result of the discovery of telomeres. In reality, the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the scientists who first identified telomeres.
The “junk DNA” telomeres are found at the ends of chromosomes. When a cell splits, they shield your real DNA.
The DNA unwraps during cell division, allowing the information contained therein to be replicated.
The telomere, the very last piece of a chromosome, cannot be entirely replicated because of the way cells divide. It has to be trimmed off just a little.
According to one theory, telomeres eventually disappear as a cell divides because they get shorter and shorter each time. The cell now simply ages and is unable to duplicate since the so-called “true” DNA can no longer be copied.
What Telomere Shortening and Aging Research Says
Age-related telomere shortening has been observed in population-level investigations. The cells with shorter telomeres eventually lose their ability to divide. Over time, this impacts an increasing number of cells, resulting in tissue degeneration and the dreaded indications of aging.
The average cell can divide around 50 times before its telomeres start to shorten.
There are situations in which telomeres will not shorten, according to some researchers, who also contend that telomeres are the purported key to longevity. For instance, because they activate the telomerase enzyme, which lengthens telomeres when cells divide, cancer cells don’t die (which is the primary issue)
All of the body’s cells have the ability to manufacture telomerase, but only a select group of cells, such as stem cells, sperm cells, and white blood cells, are required to do so. Because these cells must reproduce more than 50 times during their lifetime, they produce telomerase, which protects them against telomere shortening.
Telomere length is not only related to aging but also to disease. In actuality, a number of chronic, preventable diseases are associated with lower telomere length and poor telomerase activity. These include obesity, depression, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease.
Does Everyone Experience This?
No. And that comes as a tremendous shock. In fact, telomeres in some people who lived to be 100 years old either stayed the same length over time or even grew longer, according to a study of those who did.
Why does this matter? It’s ambiguous. It might be a remarkable molecular antiaging process in such folks, or it might be essentially worthless. We can be certain that aging is far more complex than it appears when telomere length is only considered.
This is due to the inconsistent and conflicting findings of research on telomere length and diseases associated with aging. According to one assessment, “it is still far from apparent whether a change in [telomere length] is a cause or effect of aging.” Scientists are coming to the conclusion that telomere length is not a reliable indicator of aging.
The micronutrients and aging
There are several studies that result show an important relationship between supplements deficiency and early aging.
The intravenous infusion of vitamins is the best way to get the vitamins and minerals in your cells. There are many clinics doing the procedure in a safe way for the patients, medically supervised
If you are in Houston Texas you can visit our clinics and consider getting the intravenous infusion of vitamins
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